
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Many Gifts Unopened

The Christmas season is coming upon us once again. To be honest, I get a bit frustrated at times during this season because of the many misconceptions of what it's all about. The other night, God spoke to me in a dream and showed me the reason for all the misconceptions...

In the dream I stood afar off watching the busyness of life that occurs during this time of year. So many people hurriedly purchasing numerous items of merchandise, wanting the best and never considering their financial state or consequence of their actions, just as long as they get what THEY want. The scene seemed so chaotic and gloomy.

Suddenly the scene changed. On the other side of the street stood a huge tree decorated with beautiful white lights that totally lit up that side of the street. Underneath this tree were piles of nicely wrapped gifts of all shapes and sizes. Positioned next to the tree was a sign that read FREE GIFTS. There were so very few people on this side of the street.

As I continued to watch activities of both sides, I began to ask God, "Why, Father? Why aren't the people taking freely of the gifts from beneath that beautiful tree? After all, they are all there to freely take; available to everyone." Then He answered me and said, "It is because they cannot see it. Many have been blinded and only see what the world has to offer."

Many people allow the every day affairs of this life to take over their life and can't see "beyond the veil" into the eternal realm. On one side is "the seeing world" where there are things they can touch, feel and see. But on the other side, what many truly desire to have and try to reach for is "the unseen realm" where all the provisions are - all things God has stored up for us. Gifts for us that are freely given. All we have to do is believe they are there and reach out and receive them.

The Lord spoke to me again and said, "My people today have been taught faith correctly. However, they cannot see into the Promised Land clearly enough to see where their treasures are, in order to grasp them by faith."

If there is ever a time to begin speaking God's Word for an individual - it is today! Let us believe that we and others be given a dream, a vision of all that God has for us and that we all become aware of all those UNOPENED GIFTS that lie beneath that tree just waiting to be received and opened by us.

What gifts from God for YOUR life remain UNOPENED, still sitting beneath that tree? Is it healing? Deliverance? Salvation? A circumstance in your life that you continue to tolerate but wouldn't have to?

Many of us are getting pretty good at freely giving to others. When are you going to freely RECEIVE? HE HAS FREELY GIVEN! NOW FREELY RECEIVE!


Connie J. Schmoll

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