
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Good News!

Hello Friends & Family,

Some of you are new subscribers and may not know the past history of “Waiting At The Window”. I have some great news to share with ALL OF YOU but first I want to give a bit of history so all can understand what is happening.

About a year and a half ago, I chose a publisher, Publish America, to publish my devotional book, “Waiting At The Window”. I had signed a contract that gave them rights to my book for 7yrs. THEN, I began finding out bad things about this publisher that I was NOT happy with. I tried getting out of the contract but they would not give in. So, I left it in the hands of the Lord and just kept praying for the day to come when I'd get the rights back.

Well...the GOOD NEWS IS....

I received an email a few days ago from Publish America giving me the option of having my publishing rights of my book, "Waiting At The Window", reverted back to me! It costs me some money but I don't care. It's worth it to me. I've been waiting for this moment! The contract I had signed was for 7yrs, so it's just been a little over a year now. I knew that if I did not promote the book (since they had the cost of it outrageous) that there would be no sales (since they try to make their money from ME), and with no sales happening, they would eventually give this option. SO GLAD IT FINALLY HAPPENED!

I paid the money and it's all set in motion! All I do now is wait on the termination documents to arrive in the mail. I am SO ready to move forward with this. I will either look for another publisher or self publish and get my book redone so that it can be placed on the market for sale! YES!!

I AM SO EXCITED! Now I just have to get motivated with getting the manuscript altogether once again and add to the book more devotionals that I have written since then.

Just wanted to share the news!! Please be praying for me about this!

Connie Schmoll

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