
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Walk in the Spirit - Sharing the Five Main Points

I hope you all enjoyed the lesson
"Walk in the Spirit"

I want to share the five main points from each lesson 
as a reminder of what can help us Walk in the Spirit.

To "Walk in the Spirit" is something we do by the enablement of the Spirit! 

1.  RENEWING OF THE MIND only comes through the Word of God and our lives are transformed through the work of the Spirit.  We can't live a positive life with a negative mind.

2.  WE SPEAK WORDS OF LIFE by giving God the reign of our heart.  Each time you speak, you are prophesying your future.  Speak no longer negative, but positive.

3.  CASTING OUR CARES ON THE LORD is a spiritual transaction of trusting Him and acknowledging that He is in charge and that outcomes are ultimately His domain.  This lightens your load.  When we cast our cares into God's hands, He puts His peace in our hearts!

4.  PUTTING ON THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD equips us with all we need for spiritual battle everyday.  Never leave home without it!  Prayer is essential in the ongoing battle.  Stay in close communication with the Commanding Officer!

5.  FASTING is denying the flesh and allowing the Spirit in you, full reign.  Let it be done (1) in secret, (2) with the right motive - to seek God, (3) led by the Spirit and (4) accompanied by prayer

May we all "Walk in the Spirit" so we shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh,
Connie Schmoll