
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Walk in the Spirit - Introduction

I was becoming a bit weary and frustrated lately on the constant talk about the flesh and how we were to keep trying to control it, and found that this caused me to focus more on the flesh.  My first thought was, "What's the deal?!" Then God laid a Scripture on my heart that made me aware of the cause of the weariness and frustration and it all began to make sense to me.

Paul said in Galatians 5:16 to "Walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh".  This made me realize that we had it all backwards.  We were trying to bring the flesh under control so we could walk in the Spirit but all this was doing was causing us to be more focused on the flesh than on the Spirit.

Romans 8:6 says "For us to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace."

Your mind set on the Spirit is life and peace, but when your mind is focused on the flesh, trying to control it all the time, it brings death, negativity, you become frustrated and you grow weary of trying.  I decided then to begin focusing on the Spirit and it's been so much better for me. Wow!!

The Lord let me know that He has equipped us with all we need to learn to "walk in the Spirit" and that His Word and His Spirit are freely here to help.

He spoke to me through a devotional written by Sarah Young, "Remember that I have fully equipped you to handle whatever comes your way.  What you need is help in using the equipment."

I began to read, study and pray to learn more about 'walking in the Spirit' and what it actually meant and I wanted to share with you all I have been learning.

What does it mean to "walk in the spirit"?
To "walk in the spirit" is something we do by the enablement of the Spirit.  The Spirit enables us by producing in us strong desires that accord with God's will.  This is pretty much what God said he would do in Ezekiel 36:26-27 - "A new heart I will give you and a new spirit I will put within you...I will put my Spirit within you and CAUSE (emphasis mine) you to walk in My statutes". So...when we walk in the Spirit, we experience the fulfillment of this prophecy.

We, as Believers have the Spirit of Christ, the hope of glory within us.  Those who walk in the Spirit will show forth daily, moment-by-moment holiness.  This is brought about by consciously choosing by faith to rely on the Holy Spirit to guide in thought, word and deed.

We can know that we are walking in the Spirit if our lives are showing forth the fruit of the Spirit which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  (Galatians 5:22-23)

Beware of the works of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-20) that keep you from inheriting the kingdom of God and just allow the Spirit to produce the godly fruit in your life instead. 

Being filled (walking) with the Spirit is the same as allowing the Word of Christ to dwell in us.  The result is thankfulness, singing and joy.  To "walk in the spirit" is to follow the Spirit's leading.  It is essential to "walk with" the Spirit, allowing Him to guide your steps and conform your mind.

I want to share a few things that will help us in "Walking in the Spirit".  Here is the list but I will be sharing them in separate postings, watching for them.

Renewing of the Mind
Speaking Words That Produce Life
Cast Your Cares on the Lord
Put on the Armor of God

Watch for the first lesson or lessons in next posting.

Walking in the Spirit,

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