
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Delight Yourself In Him

This past week I've sat and pondered some things. I realized that we...well, at least I do...spend so much time trying to figure things out, wondering why things happen as they do, always needing answers, instead of just TRUSTING GOD, and KNOWING that He is always in control and knows what He is doing. God has a reason for everything that happens in our lives and most of it is all done for HIS PURPOSE....HIS CAUSE.

God let me know the other day that I need to quit asking Him to change my circumstances because He allows those circumstances to change ME. This is so evident when we read about the life of Joseph. No, everything Joseph went through was not all good, BUT each circumstance served its purpose and God still was able to work all things for good that happened. And not only that but we see that Joseph DID receive his dream which was the plan and purpose of God for his life. Joseph DID reach his destiny in God. And that is what we need to be more focused on, NOT what WE want for our lives, but what HE wants.

The Bible says that if we DELIGHT ourselves in Him, He shall give us the desires of our heart. When God becomes most important in our life, then our desires become one with Him. We can't help but want for our lives exactly what He wants. They become one and the same. This is when peace and harmony is evident in our lives instead of turmoil and chaos.

We can get so caught up in our own hurts and pains and cares of this life, that His Word gets choked in our lives and the devil steals it away. We begin speaking negative things and actually bring so many curses upon our own self. We forget all the blessings and promises that are ours. We need to bring God into our pain and TALK TO HIM about it and what our needs are instead of complaining. And then begin to PRAISE HIM for His ability to intervene for us, and TRUST HIM to turn things around for our good.

So many times, we run to friends, family, food, or whatever the case may be for you, to try and make us "feel" better about our circumstances instead of going directly to GOD. And our circumstances get worse instead of better until we can't take anymore and THEN our last resort ends up being GOD...and HE STILL IS THERE FOR US. He is so faithful to us even in times when we are not. His LOVE is so awesome. He IS so merciful.

No matter what your circumstance is, KNOW that the Lord is in control and TRUST Him to work it all out for the good. It is so much easier to deal with situations when we acknowledge Him in it, knowing He'll have a lot to do with the outcome.

TRUST in the LORD with ALL YOUR HEART, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In ALL THY WAYS ACKNOWLEDGE HIM and He SHALL DIRECT THY PATHS. Proverbs 3:5,6)

Connie J. Schmoll

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