
Saturday, July 16, 2016

Follow Me

One Sunday morning, Don and I had come into Church, sat down in our seats and a few minutes later, Shelly, one of the new Christians in our Church came bouncing in.  She always says that Don and I have taught her so much!. But what Shelly doesn't know is how much she has taught ME.  She always comes in with really good questions for Don, but this Sunday, she walked up between us and said, "I was reading in Matthew last night and Jesus said, "Follow Me."  (Silence) Then I said, "Wow! Something so simple yet so powerful!". 

God never meant for His Word to bring confusion or frustration.  He simply says, "Follow Me." I told Shelly that we all need to be reminded of this. I know I did! I find Jesus saying, "Follow Me" five times just in Matthew.

Matthew 4:19 - "And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."
Matthew 8:22 - "And Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead."
Matthew 9:9 - "And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow Me. And he arose and followed him."
Matthew 16:24 - "Then Jesus said unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let hm deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me."
Matthew 19:21 - "And Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me."

Throughout our walk with God, it can be so easy to leave the right path, taking our eyes off of Jesus and onto something or someone else.  And when we do, we end up in chaos, or even a storm and we are left wondering what happened! All because we took our eyes off Jesus.  Remember Peter? When Jesus bid him to come and walk on the water? When he took his eyes off Jesus, and looked at the storm, he began to sink.

This brings to mind a devotional that I wrote a few years ago titled, "Looking Unto Him."  When I was growing up, I always felt like I was a disappointment to everyone. And I know that from age 15 through 23 up until I was saved at age 24, the lifestyle I lived then: drugs, alcohol, premarital sex...I definitely was a disappointment to my parents and others.  Then after I get saved, I once again found myself in the same place where the leaders in my home Church always made me feel like a disappointment to them and I didn't know why.

So here I was, as years went by and I was growing in the Lord, I was always searching for someone that was "real" that I could look to as a good Christian example.  When I would find someone, they would end up doing something that disappointed me and I was so heart-broken and I'd withdrawal. This happened several times, until I finally realized what God was trying to show me. I went to my room and cried out to God, asking Him, "WHY?!!  Why can't I ever find that person I need in my life - a perfect example! Somebody I can look to!"

You see, since I had felt like a disappointment to others all my life, I was looking for someone to be that perfect example that I could look to, because if I could find somebody like that, then there was hope for change!

I know, I know!  Pretty stupid, right? We know that nobody is perfect. But that is the place I was at back then.  So that night in my room, crying out God, asking why, the Lord softly spoke my name and said, "Connie, I am that perfect example!  Look Unto Me!"  And He directed me to Hebrews 12.

The Lord has given us examples to follow in the Bible and we cross paths with many great Christians throughout our life, but God never expected us or them to be perfect. He gives us leaders, examples to follow but He is our ultimate example! We are to be like HIM! No one will ever project that image of perfection except Jesus Christ! If everyone was perfect, why did He have to come? 
And yes, in Scripture, it was Paul who said, "Follow me as I follow Christ". In every example in the Word where it tells us to follow Paul, it is translated, from Greek as, "Follow my example" or "Imitate Me as I follow Christ's example and Imitate Him."  (1 Corinthians 11:1) The examples that God puts before us, we need to be sure that they are following Christ. But our eyes are to ONLY be on Christ!  He is the only Ultimate Example of Perfection. And we must follow only Jesus and keep our eyes on Him!!  Praise God!
Now, I no longer let "life's disappointments" cause me to run to my room and cry.  God has shown me in His Word, what to do. Did you know that if you are filled with the Holy Ghost, that you have the power to never let anyone hurt or disappoint you ever again! His Word simply says, "Guard Your Heart!"  And that's what I do.  We have the power to let something in or keep it out. It's our choice!  And if you have allowed some hurts and disappointments in, simply FORGIVE, let it go and move on. Our time is too short and it's not worth harboring bitterness in our hearts. We are not hurting anybody but ourselves when we do that. If there is someone you haven't forgiven, please do it today!
  My husband, Don introduced me this song, titled, "It Is You".  I am sharing it here (the link if viewing from email).  Whenever I feel myself shifting and my eyes start to leave focus on Jesus, this song immediately helps me get back to one with Him.

Just worship the Lord while listening to this song. Let it bring you into oneness with Him!


  1. Amen! Divine truth! God bless!!

    1. Praise God! Thank you for visiting my site! God Bless you! Stay Blessed!
