
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Suffering In Silence

Our heart is never hid from God. He hears our hearts cry. When we are hurting or suffering in some way, it will show on the outside in different ways. Until we learn that suffering in silence only brings more pain, we will never receive the healing that we need. We must talk to someone. -Connie


"Unless the Lord had been my help, my soul had almost dwelt in silence" Psalm 94:17

Have you ever watched a child withdrawal from the world -- from their life? Ever been a witness to an explosion of anger from a so-called rebellious teen or even an adult friend? Ever noticed fear in the eyes of a friend growing distant? Do you ever find that others around you seem to be caught on a spiritual roller coaster ride and can't seem to get off? Or maybe you have found yourself in one of these situations.

We all have things in our life that we wished had never happened. And we want so much to forget them. But most of the time, we become victims of suffering in silence -- trying to hide or bury our hurts and pains brought on by circumstances in our lives.

Choosing to suffer in silence and hoping to hide the hurt and pain, never works. They can never be hidden, because they are eventually shown on the outside by our actions.

The sad thing about suffering in silence is that the actions revealed on the outside portray the person that we most definitely are not! It portrays a person in pain. Our true identity has been lost. You see, the heart is never hidden.

Matthew 12:34...out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh

From deep within, our hearts cry out for peace, and wanting the turmoil within to come to an end. We want our true identity back.

I John 3:20 When our hearts condemn us, God knoweth the heart.

Our heart is never hid from God, and our hearts cry is never overlooked by Him. The only way to ever stop the turmoil and to find peace, is to confess our faults to one another. It is then, your true identity is found again and known by others as well.

What is your hearts cry? What lies deep within that has been buried way too long and hinders you from becoming what you can for Christ? Do you yearn for deliverance?

We need to overcome the things that keep us bound. We must first learn to recognize these areas in our life and bring them before God. Search to find the source of your problem. Determine to face the problem head on and God will bring the solution.

A time of transparency is very critical in the success of ministry. If God is ever going to be able to minister to our hearts cry, we must become transparent. Nothing is hid from Him anyway. Becoming transparent sets us free of excess baggage that we have carried around that was not for us to carry in the first place.

Transparency helps the "specific needs" to be met, as written in James 5:13-16 ...Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

How are we to know to pray for someone or to lend a hand to someone if we do not know the need? How is anyone able to help meet a need of ours, if we never let it be known? If I am hungry and in need of food for survival, and do not let my needs be made known, I will starve. I understand, that this is a very difficult be transparent, especially when the matters are very personal. It means letting our guard down. Suddenly we are not the person everyone thought we were. Oh no, what will they think of me? We feel we will be less of a person in their eyes.

I have recently discovered and started to understand that some people choose to "suffer in silence" because if they express or share too much to others, all that those people see is their behavior, instead of trying to understand the heart. The behavior of hurting people sometimes is not pretty and so you have people calling them on it, with the understanding that the hurting person should expect it. (expect to be rebuked) I disagree! These people are HURTING!! And the last thing on their mind is their behavior. The last thing they care about is how they are representing themselves. And WE as Christians need to overlook such behavior, for a time, realizing that it's just them acting out the hurt. This is our opportunity to HELP the healing process start instead of kicking them while they're down and adding to their wounds.

In my experience, I have developed a great admiration for those who are transparent. This shows great courage. I, too, long to be more transparent.

Transparency doesn't just take place with anyone. You must first develop a bond with someone. Developing trust and uniting with one another is very important. After the trust is established, then the transparency takes place. We become united in the Spirit of the Lord. We are opening up. We all go through many things in our life for the purpose of helping someone else. When you find yourself in a place of suffering, try to visualize it as "a ministry in the making".

Again, I ask you, what is your hearts cry? Confess it to God. He will lead you to the ones who can help you deal with the issues that keep you bound. Please choose this day to no longer suffer in silence but TELL SOMEONE so that you may be healed. And after your healing comes, you now become a vessel God can use to help someone else who might be going through something similar to what you did.

"When I kept silence, my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long" Psalm 32:3

--Connie J. Schmoll


  1. So beautiful and so true... This has been my experience exactly. You have put into words the very thing I lived for many years and only recently been delivered through talking. I still find it hard to find people that I can trust with my heart, but this even applies to talking to God about our problems, Sometimes I would find myself holding inside all of the hurt and pain and not even pouring it out to God in prayer. I was poisoning myself. Today I am facing being judged by the person I was during those years of intense pain. I was hateful, hurtful, spiteful etc and now that is how many know me. It will take a while to change that opinion in many. But I trust that God will lead me to those who ended the very ministering that I needed.

    1. Wow, I could never picture you as a hateful, hurtful or spiteful person. And it is sad when people tend to judge others by their actions. The more God has shown me from things that I've gone through, I have learned that you cannot judge one by their actions. A person is the way they are because of something that has happened in their life or because they are going through something at that moment. We must look at a person from our heart and help them find their true identity since the hurt in their life has caused them to lose it.
