
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Blessings of Brokenness

And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. Matt 26:26
We all have had times happen in our lives where we felt like our heart was breaking in two. During these times the pain is so bad that we feel like nothing could ever be the same again and that it is going to be so hard to go on with our life. We wonder why these times have to be. We soon learn that the times of “brokenness” are much needed in our lives.

When we are “broken” we begin to value the brutal and disgraceful assassination of Jesus more than anything, which He did for us so then we become willing to stop any negative addiction or sin in our lives. Brokenness is the key that releases our God-given potential to bless others.

Throughout the Bible Jesus teaches this principle of brokenness and it is also demonstrated by the lives of others. Jesus demonstrated this “broken process” during the Lord’s Supper (communion) but also His own personal life was a demonstration of brokenness.. . This symbolized the body of Christ given for the church. This process is applied to our lives as well, the life application being how the bread underwent 4 processes: Taken (Amos 9:2,3), Blessed (Deut. 28:2-6), Broken (Matt. 26:39) and Given (Rom. 12:6-8)

I think about the time when thousands of people were fed (nourished) by the act of a small boy placing all that he had (lunch) that day into the hands of Jesus. He blessed it, broke it, and gave it to the people. He broke it some more, and gave more. Broke it some more and gave more.

At salvation, we are TAKEN into Jesus’ hands and He lifts us up to the Father who BLESSES us in imperfection with the abilities and gifts for His use. He then BREAKS us spiritually, releasing that reservoir of greatness and blessing, that it may be spilled out or GIVEN unto others. Continually we are broken and given, broken and given. Everything we go through is for a reason and has its purpose in our lives. (2 Cor. 1:3-7)

There is a well of oil trapped within us, but cannot be released until we are broken. Brokenness is painful but it is the passage to the promise. Once we start to understand brokenness, and it’s purpose, we can look back and accept our beginnings.

Through the life of Mary Magdalene, the woman who came with the alabaster box, the principle of broken was demonstrated. When she came, she was ridiculed by others but Jesus accepted her. She gave the gift or offering (alabaster box) to Him. The box is a representation of us – taken, broken, given and oil poured out, the odor filling the house. (Mrk 14:3-6)

Again, we have an example in John 12:24 when he mentioned the corn of wheat falling to the ground, and if it dies, it brings forth much fruit. Jesus (corn of wheat) gave himself unto death (fall into ground), went through the process of brokenness (died) and the oil of salvation was released for all mankind (brought forth much fruit).

We have gifts, untapped resources lying dormant inside us and we need to die to self, go through the broken process, so the oil of worth is released for others.

Jesus is the oil of salvation for us and we are the oil of blessings to flow to others. Our family, our church, those at our jobs or anyone who crosses our path needs the oil of blessing that we process. Let’s not deny our generation. Don’t leave this life without giving others what was God-given to you for their purpose. Do not make the cemetery the richest place in the world.

There is definitely Blessings in Brokenness.

Connie J Schmoll
July 4, 2003

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