
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Walk Away Believing

"Wow, I have this terrible headache! I can hardly stand it!" These were the words of my friend that I used to work with. Several thoughts came to my mind, like..."I know how you can get rid of that headache. God is a healer! He can heal that headache right now. Let me pray for you." But then came the "other thoughts" that followed, like..."But what if she is not healed after I pray for her? What will she think of me?" You know, you always have that “other guy” sitting on the other shoulder trying to put doubt and fear in you. And many times it works.

Sad to say, as with my situation, this is as far as the conversation got...the girl telling me about her headache. My thoughts remained just...thoughts.

The situation written above happens more than we realize. And it is so sad to think that because of the disobedience of one, another may not receive. Oh maybe later on down the road but how sad that the other person missed out on the blessing to see not only that person receive but also to have God work through them.

FEAR is the biggest thing that keeps people from doing a lot of things that they desire to be doing for the Lord. I think many times we are afraid to share about the Lord with someone because of the fear of rejection. Also, what if God gives us a Word for someone and after we give it, we do not see the results we think we should see? We start doubting, wondering if it was really God. Then we are afraid to give a word the next time we feel led to.

Like the situation above, I used to always fear when someone would start talking about an illness or physical problem and I knew that I had the answer. Because I know The Healer! But I would not speak up and say anything because I was afraid if I prayed for them, they would not be healed and then what would this person think, that I'm a fanatic or something? But there are some things that God taught me concerning this very topic. Here are some things He told me:

When God leads us to do something, we need to:
-Be obedient
-After obeying, walk away believing it is done!
-Realize it is not about you
-Understand that it is God doing the healing/ministering and we are just the instrument He chooses to work through
-Know that just because we did not see the results we thought we should have seen, doesn't mean God isn't working
-Walk away with a confidence knowing we did what God asked and now put it into His hands and let Him take care of it. He will.

One of the most important things in our walk with God is obedience. Don't give up on evangelizing and helping people get closer to God because there is always hope. Through God all things are possible. The key words being "through God". Yes, it is God who does the healing, and the ministering. But many times He works through us, using the gifts He has given to us for that time. That is why it is important to be obedient to His voice.

Don't let fear keep you from being a blessing to someone else through your obedience to God. Listen and obey, then WALK AWAY BELIEVING IT IS DONE!

Connie Schmoll

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