
Friday, October 21, 2011

The Ark Was More Than Just A Boat

(Dedicated To My Sister, Beth Buker)

Have you ever entered a place or someone's home where you just felt safe? This was how it was and still is at the home of my sister, Beth. I can remember clear back in my wild partying days when my life was not very stable. I knew that I always had a safe place to stay at her home. The door was always open to me and she did this even before she started living for the Lord so I know that God has always had a special plan for her.

Once she started living for God, I began seeing her home like Noah's Ark. She began and continues to build her future on high ground. She knows we are all in the 'same boat' and need salvation. Even though it's been hard at times, and during the times when it seems she was standing alone, she has never allowed the critics to keep her from doing what God wanted her to do. She put action to her faith no matter the persecution she had to endure from family and friends. Noah could have believed God yet still drowned if he had not been obedient and built the ark.

You see, “Noah's Ark” was more than just a boat. It was a place of safety for me and for many others when the storms of life hit and it was my sister, Beth who provided that place for us. This ark was the boat of opportunity that can be easily missed if we do not jump aboard in the time needed. Because we know that opportunity often knocks in times of trouble, as it did for Noah.

When times of trouble came for me, I knew I had an ark of safety that I could run to. To this day, I hold a special memory in my heart always for that place. If I could just leave some encouraging words for Beth and for others, those words would be:

1. Continue to live righteous, even if you are the only one. It will be noticed.

2. Always plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah began building the ark.

3. Don’t miss the boat! Never forget this underlying truth: that ultimately when all is said and done, we’re all in the same boat in need of salvation!

4. Noah's Ark teaches the value of making a plan and sticking to it, even through times of overwhelming odds.

5. Never underestimate the talents and gifts that God has given you. The ark was built by amateurs; the titanic by professionals.

6. When God gives you a plan to do something, He will always provide what is needed for you to complete the task.

7. No matter the persecution, continue the work of God until finished. You WILL be greatly rewarded.

8. Have patience. The ark wasn't built in a year and the flood wasn't finished in forty days and forty nights.

9. When you become stressed, just float awhile, because you are way too blessed to be stressed!

10. Never seek to go it alone. Always travel at least in pairs. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

11. Remain faithful and remember … No matter the storm, when you are with God, there is always sunshine after the rain and there is always a rainbow of peace waiting at the other side of the storm.

Connie J. Schmoll

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