
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Tale of Two Seas

I came across this information the other day about the two Seas of Israel, and was inspired from it because it spoke so much of where I was at in my life.  The analogy was a perfect description.

There are two Seas of Israel: the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea.  Both bodies of water are fed from the same source, the Jordan River, yet one sea is dead and the other is full of life.  Why?   The sea that is dead, The Dead Sea, has no outlet. The water lays stagnant.

This is such a good analogy of some Christians' lives.  And sometimes it's not their fault.  But many of us sit and learn and the Word continually flows within us, but our lives are stagnant because we are not given the outlet to share, to be used.

God has given us gifts to be used for His Kingdom.  We all have a purpose in the Body of Christ.  We all must be fitly assembled together, for Body Ministry.  God gives you a gift, He gives you knowledge for the purpose of sharing to help edify and minister to someone else.

If you have spent years just sitting and receiving, begin to Pray for God to provide an outlet for you to be used so that you can be full of life, not being stagnant and dead spiritually.

Here is a video that you can watch about the Two Seas:

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