
Monday, April 1, 2019

Find Peace In Being Still

As I laid in bed Sunday evening, after prayer time, a few thoughts from the Lord entered my heart and I knew it was time to write.

Life can bring such great and wonderful moments, can't it? But as I am sure that many of you are totally aware of, we also will find interwoven in our lives, times of disappointment, as we may see them. I spent a number of years always feeling down from all of life's disappointments until I began asking … But could these times not be God working out His plan? I have learned that just because something may not work out the way we wanted it to, does not mean that it should always be seen as a disappointment, but could very well be God's appointment for the time. This was when I began applying Proverbs 3:5-6 to my life.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths”.

Trust in the Lord
We must learn to fully trust in God in every situation no matter how it looks to us or even if we do not understand. We don't always have to know the “why” of a situation, but only that God sees the beginning and the end, so we must trust that He is working His plan for our life through it all.

Lean not on our own understanding
When we come up against some things in life that are perplexing, we cannot assume that our human understanding of things is always a perfect guide. Human understanding is limited by a person's knowledge and experience. But as I said before, God sees the bigger picture and knows the beginning from the end. Sometimes we need to look past human wisdom and allow the Spirit of God to direct our lives. Our human reasoning wants an explanation, but the Spirit of God says, "Trust Me!"

Acknowledge Him
It is not always easy to accept an outcome of a situation when we wanted so much for it to be different. Acceptance or acknowledging God in a situation is a very important attitude that we must have in order to incorporate our trust in Him. It helps us accept the outcome in a situation no matter how it looks to us, knowing God was in it.

And just to share ... Ephesians 2:10
"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."

We never have to fear the road that we have ahead of us, because Christ prepared it specifically for us to walk. Though the road may be treacherous and narrow, especially at the speed life has been going lately, at the end of it is Christ!!

I pray that all of you who are reading this, will keep your eyes fully on Him, trust Him with all your heart and acknowledge Him in everything, and He will direct your path that will always lead to Him and His Will!

Here is a song that God led me to, that has ministered to me and my situation.  No matter how difficult it may be, I WILL find peace in being "still" when a situation is His Will.

"I'll Wait" by The Katinas

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