
Thursday, October 6, 2016

Dance Upon Disappointment

2 Samuel 6:1-19
King David desired to honor God and express his love. He was filled with excitement as he prepared to bring the Ark of God to it's new home.  It was the symbol of God's presence and power. King David desired to re-establish its place of importance in the hearts of the people of Israel and make it the center of worship in Jerusalem.

With great excitement and anticipation, the Ark of God was paraded on a new cart with a great gathering of musicians playing music of praise unto God. This was a wonderful event, a time of worship and a great expectation for God's blessings upon the nation of Israel.  But then, something happened that brought the celebration to an end.

While moving the Ark of God, the oxen stumbled, and Uzzah reached out and laid hold of the Ark to prevent it from falling, an act of irreverence that cost him his life. Uzzah loved God yet, not knowing His requirements in the law of handling the ark, he sinned.

Such disappointment fell on King David.  His plans for the joyous return of the ark had been spoiled. The jubilant celebration turned into a disaster.  It was then that King David separated himself from the Ark, for fear of it no longer bringing blessings, thinking perhaps God's presence had left the ark. The ark was moved to the home of Obed-Edom.

After three months, King David saw that God blessed the home of Obed-Edom. It was then that David saw that God's presence still remained in the ark. He realized that the fault of Uzzah's death was his own for transporting the ark carelessly.  If the nation of Israel wanted God's blessings, they would need to respond in obedience to God's Word. God will not bless disobedience to His Word.

David wasted no time in making preparations to move the ark. This time it would be moved the way God instructed in His Word. This time, David sacrificed an ox and fat lamb every six paces.  Wow! What a grand parade! King David's disappointment was quickly changed into dance. He and the nation expressed their worship to the great God who loved and cared for them.  David danced before the Lord with all his might, only girded with a linen ephod.

David's wife, Michal, who watched from the window, did not share in his feelings of rejoicing. Instead of having a heart that experienced God's grace, mercy and peace, she had a heart of bitterness, despising it all. She could not share David's joyful worship of God. She thought it only to be foolish and expressed her thoughts to David.  She could not believe his behavior which was not a King's behavior. But David's reply to her was that he did it before the Lord and that he was willing to look foolish in the eyes of some in order to worship God fully and honestly, who had chosen him and appointed him as ruler over the people.  His wife, Michal was barren unto the day of her death.

We all have experienced disappointments in life and if we are really honest, we have felt disappointed in God, because of things not going the way that we thought they should have gone.  But we must trust God and realize that He sees the whole picture of a situation and has a purpose for all things. It is so important that we know God's Word and determine to acknowledge God in every area of our lives, so that no matter the outcome, we know that God is still working.  If we love the Lord, we will respect Him and His ways. God wants us to be obedient to His Word.

We cannot let life's disappointments separate us from God's Presence.  Acknowledging God in every situation helps us to initiate our faith in Him so that just as with David, He will give us feet to Dance Upon Disappointment.

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