
Monday, July 2, 2012

A Divine Perspective

God has a reason for everything that happens in our life.  Instead of us getting all upset when trials come our way, we need to seek God and continue to stand on His Word.  I used to let my emotions rule much of my life and ended up making wrong decisions, but now I continue to stand on God's Word no matter the circumstance.  Now I look to God and strive to see things from His perspective.

No one escapes the storms of life.  However, if we choose to take advantage of our personal storms, believing God through them, we will rise in faith above the world's darkest storms.  We are made aware that each storm brings promotion and each storm has its reward.  We learn to rest and soar on the winds of His Presence and relax our faith as we let Him carry us to a warmer place.

True freedom comes from the inside out.  I remember always wondering why God would allow certain things to happen and why he chose not to stop them or change them.  But then I realized that just because there were many trials, this did not mean that God was not working in my life.  I realized that the Spirit of God was continually guiding me and always pulling me into a closer relationship with Him.  When I did go through things, God always turned it around for the good by teaching me something.  I realized that my wrong reactions to situations were based on my emotions.

Yes, emotions are a natural part of being human, but emotions were never meant to rule or anchor our life on earth.  That role is reserved for God's Word because it never changes or fails.

When pain, rejection or disappointment threatens to overwhelm you, are you tempted to go by how you feel about your problems and yourself?  Don't fall for it!  Go by what God says about you and your situation!  Things are not always as they seem.  God does not want us down looking up.  He wants us up looking down.  He wants us soaring above our circumstances.

Worship Him and take your seat in His Presence during hard times.  Worship opens the door for the light of heaven to flood our life and circumstances.  His light is the way of heaven to flood truth behind the circumstances.  Spread your wings of worship so you can soar high enough to take your seat beside Him and look out the portals of heaven.  Get a God's view and divine perspective of your situation.

Connie Schmoll

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