
Thursday, April 12, 2018

Remain Strong In Me, Reinforce Your Foundation!

In recent weeks, the Lord has been speaking a great deal to me about the importance of our foundation in Him. Although many of us are walking in His will over our lives, it is possible to neglect the intimacy required in our relationship with Him and therefore miss His reaffirming presence in our lives. He is our foundation in all things and we are called first to continue to build on what will allow us to stand firm when stepping out in His name.

Not too long ago I was reading a story about a couple working on a deck that seemed to be weakening at the core of it's foundation. I found myself moved by what was exposed as they ripped away the beautiful tough exterior. Underneath the durable surface, much of the framework used in building the foundation had rotted over time. What was meant to hold everything together had been neglected and it became weathered by the elements and storms it was exposed to. The decay of what was once strong had caused such a weakness that it crumbled with the lightest touch of their tools.

I was overwhelmed with what the heart of the Lord was speaking to me and what He wants so many of us to hear. As I continued to read, I heard Him say, "You must always remain strong in me. Reinforce your foundation before moving forward."

Personally for us, we've been there, attended here and there, believed this and refused to believe that, in a constant battle to keep deception out. Untruths constantly trying to creep into our lives from people we least expected.

A time comes when through all the chaos, one must take the time of rest, remain strong in Him and reinforce your foundation, walk exclusively by faith, trusting in everything He has taught you from His Word alone.

"Forever O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven." Psalm 119:89